Monday, June 22, 2009

I just bought the neatest gadget from ThinkGeek!

It's a spoon that measures by weight or by volume. It is supposed to be accurate from .1 to 300 grams (.005 to 10.5 oz.) and allows you to switch between ounces and grams. You can also measure volume using the markings on the spoon. How neat is that? It will be so handy when measuring out tiny anounts of ewax, or stearic, or preservative when I am making lotions. Find out more about it here. In case you're wondering, no, I don't get a commission, LOL! I just think it's going to be a VERY useful tool. I can't wait for it to get here!


T.A. Helton said...

AWESOME! You said at the ASM that you wanted it ;-)

T.A. Helton said...

AWESOME!! You had said at the ASM you wanted to get it ;-)

ArtsyAllieKat said...

Yes, I did :). The place where I originally found it was out of stock, but I found it in stock today and was able to order. I think it's going to be very useful.

Sandi Garrett said...

How cool! Let me know how it works, and I may just have to get one!

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