Monday, July 20, 2009 you love it or hate it?

I don't know anyone one who is on the fence about patchouli. It seems to be one of those fragrances that you either love or hate. Some people say the hippies are to blame for the low popularity of patchouli. Their free and easy lifestyle didn't always lend itself to bathing regularly and they used patchouli liberally for it's supposed deoderant properties and aphrodisiac properties. Yes, aphrodisiac properties. I kid you not. I don't see that. I must admit, when my rather expensive bottle of patchouli arrived, it was definitely not love at first sniff. It smelled rather like dirt. My first impulse was to quickly garage sale it to some poor misguided soul who actually liked it. Fortunately, I took the advice of more experienced friends and tried blending it. I made soap a few days ago with it a blend of lavender and patchouli, and I DO love it! It adds a fascinating depth to the lavender. I've been told that when I soap it just by itself, it will smell better than it does straight out of the bottle. I'll let you know when I try that. For now, do any of you have any other patchouli blends that you just love? If so, please share.

1 comment:

T.A. Helton said...

It smells heavenly when you soap it by itself! I usually use a patchouli fo...but when a customer called me up and asked for me to make him a batch that was STRONGER (I was shocked by this...using the fo alone is pretty strong!) I ordered some of the very expensive essential oil. Because of the cost I mixed half fo and half eo. The scent was very weak once I first unmolded and cut it. As it aged though it started smelling devine! The essential oil gives it a depth that lengers. Once it was ready I stole one of the bars from his batch and used it. I smelled like patchouli until I went to bed that night! It's powerful stuff. I've never had people stop and tell me "wow, you smell good!" while shopping. ;-)

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